World of Style Appointment

We signed the contract over the weekend and yesterday, we had to make our initial payment of just under $17k. For some reason, my credit card couldn’t pay the full amount even though it had enough funds in there. So they took $10k yesterday and once the final drawings are complete, then they’ll take the remainder. Yes, I know, we signed draft drawings, not the finalised drawings… was hoping to speed up the process and build sooner since we were told that even after signing we can still make minor adjustments to the drawings if they were slightly incorrect.

Then today we got a phone call to book in our World of Style appointment Day 1 and Day 2. I was initially excited to hear that PD was calling to make an appointment for WOS until they told me that the earliest date they could find for us was on December 2! That’s over a month away! Day 2 is scheduled a few days later on December 6. That’s a long time to wait to get to WOS. Probably also means that our start date will probably be in April if we’re lucky.

On the bright side, it means we don’t have to kick the tenants out just yet, which means another month of rent since I’ve been told that we shouldn’t kick the tenants out until contract is signed. If all goes well, we should be able to send them notice to vacate around Christmas time. Imagine that… Merry Christmas, here’s a gift for you… an eviction notice.


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